Thinking about changing your career or starting a business - keep scrolling

Do you need help with your future?
"Yes, I want to set up my business"

Taking the first steps is not easy. You have a lot to learn: you consume videos, podcasts, and courses relevant to your project. The information you accumulated is beyond you, you have no idea how to apply it. One day you are productive and the next you don't want to do anything. And although you want to dedicate yourself fully to your business, you do not dare to leave your day job. Don't worry, you're not alone. Building a business can feel like a one-man fight, but you can have support with it to minimise the risks and increase your success rates.

"Yes, I want to change my career"

Now you face new challenges. Where to even start with this process? Maybe you know exactly what you want to do in life or maybe you are still not sure what your life purpose is - don't worry - I've got your back. I'll help you get clarity on your future. You will build a plan and take inspired actions toward your dream job. I will help you not only with the mindset part like an inner critique or imposter syndrome, but also with the technical bits, like your CV, Resume, LinkedIn profile, or even interview preparation.

Duration: depends on the project

Career transition packages can be between 4 and 12 weeks, but sometimes can extend to up to 6 months.

Business starting projects are a minimum of 12 and up to 52 weeks. During that time we will cover your strategy, financial aspects, mindset, network, marketing, etc. But you will be the center of this process - so be prepared to change and to succeed.

Why you should work with me?

I've been working in Recruitment and Human Resources field since 2009. I understand the job market and I know how it works. Since 2021 I've been helping people with finding new jobs, career transitions, and starting or developing their businesses. I've been through this journey myself - changing jobs, careers, and countries and starting my own business while managing my home life and 3 kids. I know it can be hard and I know it can be done. I will help you to move through your fears and obstacles (that are mainly in your head) and move forward to achieve your success and goals.